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Personal Career Growth Curve - Reflections after reading "Nonlinear Growth"

After reading "Nonlinear Growth," summarize the key points of the book:

  • Everyone has three S-shaped growth curves: skill growth curve, systemic cognitive growth curve, and character growth curve.

  • Skill growth curve is at 1, systemic growth curve is at 2, and character growth curve is at 3.

  • Everyone's growth needs to go through the S-shaped process of 1, 2, 3 to constantly break through their career heights.

  • The growth of skill curve 1 lies in your track choice (whether it has high growth potential) and your basic skills (whether they are solid and can reach the top 20% of the industry, or even 3%-5% higher). At this point, you usually have the power to choose when job hunting.

  • When the skill curve 1 reaches a bottleneck that is difficult to break through, it is necessary to consider the development of curve 2. The key point is the scope of business you are currently involved in (single point, local or global). Pursue the development process from single point to local to global, and cultivate your systemic cognition during this period to understand the complete operation logic of a business. If the current environment does not allow you to be exposed to the overall business, you can consider switching tracks, starting a business, or joining a company where you can be responsible for the overall business.

  • The growth of curve 2 often depends on how much practical experience you have. After a large amount of practice, you can often summarize a set of systematic cognition, which determines whether you can independently run a business model and lead a team to do business. Curve 2 represents our CPU, and changing the CPU can directly determine the new height of our career.

  • The appearance of the third curve is the character curve, which is related to the individual's psychological state in their career. When you have seen many business phenomena/scenes, can you still focus on your inner pursuit? Can you maintain inner peace and order in a chaotic external environment? This is also related to whether the business you are currently engaged in is related to your passion.

  • How to coexist harmoniously with a chaotic world? Look outward and grasp the controllable rules in a chaotic world to predict some future order. Look inward and return to the passion in your heart.

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